We’ve all felt what it’s like to be hungry, have an appetite, and experience an intense food craving. Hunger is the feeling we get when our stomachs are empty (1). Appetite is the desire to eat food. But cravings? They’re in a league of their own.
Harvard Health (2) defines cravings as, “an intense urge to eat a certain food—ideally right away.” While hunger can be alleviated by eating any food, cravings are very specific for a single type of food, like chocolate (the most commonly craved food) (1). Plus, cravings can pop up at any moment—we can crave a certain food even if we just finished filling up on dinner and we’re not hungry at all (1).
So, if you’ve ever found yourself inexplicably drawn to a particular food, even when your stomach isn’t rumbling, you’re not alone. Cravings have a way of sneaking up on us when we least expect it, making them a unique challenge to overcome. But fear not, we’re here to explore what triggers these cravings and how we can tackle them head-on. Let’s dive in.

What Causes Food Cravings?
Food cravings can be specific and are usually directed toward sweet, salty, or fatty foods. And they’re not only the result of having a “sweet tooth,” easy access to craveable foods, or lack of control of our behavior (2). There are also several complex—and common—physiological causes of cravings. Many of these are hard-wired into our brains and are naturally regulated by hormones and other biomolecules.
Fun fact: Research shows that nutrient or energy deficiencies are not powerful or common causes of food cravings (1).
We’ll start with the top four causes, according to the Cleveland Clinic: food euphoria, feeling stressed, lack of sleep, and day-to-day habits (3).
Food euphoria is when the food we eat taps into the “feel-good” centers that are hard-wired in the neurons of the brain (2,3). In addition to the “feel-good” neurotransmitter called dopamine, craveable foods also stimulate the release of hormones that impact metabolism, stress levels, and appetite (2). This euphoria feels like a pleasurable reward and can naturally make us want to continue to eat that particular food, generating even more cravings for it (2).
Feeling stressed can make our food cravings even more powerful, especially when that stress is over the long term (2,3). Increased levels of stress hormones like cortisol start up our “fight or flight” instincts that get us to look for food so we can get the energy we need to fight or flee (4). Eating the craved food provides us with some relief from that stress and helps us to cope with, or even distract from, stressful feelings—even if the coping and distraction are temporary (4).
Lack of sleep can strengthen cravings due to its impact on our hormones (3). For example, not getting enough sleep places additional stress on our bodies and that further increases our desires for certain foods. Lack of sleep can also induce hunger by increasing the hunger hormone ghrelin and decreasing the fullness hormone, leptin (5).
Day-to-day habits may also play a part in cravings (3). Sometimes, if we’re used to enjoying snacks when we feel a certain way (e.g., stressed or tired) or are doing certain activities (e.g., driving, scrolling social media, or watching TV), then this habit can perpetuate our cravings and have us almost automatically reaching for craved foods before we can think about it.
In addition to these four causes of food cravings, other factors can contribute. For example, seeing or smelling a craveable food can spark cravings, as can hormonal fluctuations that occur during the menstrual cycle (2). Some medications are known to increase appetite (2). And new research is looking into possible connections between food cravings and our genes and gut microbiota.

How to Curb Cravings
We don’t want to prevent ourselves from eating if we’re truly hungry. However, there may be times when we’re craving something that we know we don’t have room for and is not going to serve our health. In these cases, there are a few strategies you can try to help curb those cravings.
Try Drinking Water
It’s possible that sometimes what feels like hunger (or even a craving) is simply thirst (3,6,7). By staying hydrated throughout the day, we can reduce the number of times we think we need to eat something.
Be More Mindful
If we can stop for a second to catch ourselves craving food or eating when we’re not hungry, mindfulness may help (3). Consider asking yourself if your food craving could be due to stress, boredom, anger, fatigue, or if you are, in fact, hungry (2,4,6). Maybe try breathing deeply for a few minutes, putting on a short meditation podcast, or going for a quick walk to reconnect with your inner self before taking another bite.
Practice Mindful Eating
As you eat, continue your mindfulness practice by enjoying your food mindfully and without judgment. Harvard Health (9) defines mindful eating as, “using all of your physical and emotional senses to experience and enjoy the food choices you make.” By mindfully paying attention to the thoughts and emotions that may fuel a craving, we can slow down and truly appreciate food. We can take smaller amounts, smell and appreciate the flavors, chew the food thoroughly, and relax between bites.
Here’s a quick guide to start eating mindfully
Balance Meals
By eating meals that are highly nutritious and contain protein and fiber, you can feel fuller quicker and stay full longer (2,6). Also, consider eating regularly throughout the day, as longer stretches between meals can intensify feelings of hunger and lead to eating too much, too fast, or eating foods that are too convenient, e.g., craveable (and not as nutritious) (2,6,7).
Try out a savory breakfast recipe high in fiber & protein that will keep you satisfied
Make Nutritious Snacks More Convenient
Many of us end up craving and snacking on convenience foods because . . . they’re convenient. It’s quick and easy to open a package of potato chips, cookies, or chocolate and start enjoying it. But we can make more nutritious foods just as convenient by washing, chopping, and packaging fruits and vegetables, and having some grab-and-go dips and spreads available like nut butter, hummus, plain yogurt, salsa, or guacamole. You can even make your trail mix with dried fruits and nuts (7).
Another option is to simply have smaller servings, or more nutritious versions, of your favorite crave foods. How about trying crave-able foods with less added sugar or more protein and fiber?
These quick power bites are nutrient packed & a sure way to satisfy cravings
Limit Environmental Cues
Sometimes cravings are brought on by the sight of a tasty snack on social media or the candy bowl in the break room (2,9). By knowing where these environmental cues are, you can try to avoid them whenever possible.
Try Non-Food-Related Rewards
Sometimes we eat to escape a negative feeling or to celebrate an accomplishment, and there are non-food-related ways to enjoy ourselves (3). Instead of cake, consider doing something you love, like dancing around or taking a bath. Maybe you would want to treat yourself to a nap, hobby, or craft, or even enjoy a favorite book.
For me, the ultimate rewards lie in self-care items like scheduling time for a relaxing massage, a rejuvenating facial, or even a pampering pedicure. Remember, finding activities that bring you joy and using them as rewards can be just as satisfying, if not more, than indulging in food.
Manage Stress
Life is stressful and we can’t entirely escape stress. What we can try to do is improve the way we handle and manage stress. This can help to lower our stress hormones and reduce the power of food cravings (3).
One technique I find particularly helpful is breathing. Diaphragmatic breathing, also known as belly breathing, is an effective method for reducing stress hormones and controlling cravings.
Here’s how to practice it:
- Find a comfortable, quiet place to sit or lie down.
- Place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen, just below your rib cage.
- Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, allowing your abdomen to rise while keeping your chest relatively still.
- Exhale slowly through your mouth or nose, allowing your abdomen to fall.
- Continue this pattern of deep, slow breaths for several minutes, focusing on the rise and fall of your abdomen with each breath.
This breathing technique helps activate the body’s relaxation response, reducing the production of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. By doing so, it can help alleviate stress and anxiety, which are common triggers for food cravings.
Practicing diaphragmatic breathing regularly, especially when feeling stressed or experiencing cravings, can be a helpful tool in managing both stress levels and food cravings.
Get Enough Quality Sleep
Inadequate sleep causes us to feel hungrier and have more cravings. Some studies show that this may be because it can push our appetite hormones out of balance (2,5). Plus, lack of sleep can increase stress which further amplifies those feelings. This is why getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night can help to ease those cravings (3,5,7).
Getting a good night’s rest and waking up feeling refreshed and recharged is most important to help stomp out cravings. If you have poor sleep the cravings for carbs and sugars will be powerful and start a vicious cycle of eating carbs or sugar to pick you up. This is short lived as you will crash and need more carbs and sugars to pick you back up. Be aware of what is causing your craving and if you had a poor night sleep recognize that being in awareness can shift and change how your day goes. Push to start your day with protein and stay focused on what you need, not what you want. Eating a balanced whole food diet will give you what you need and also help eliminate cravings.
Consider incorporating a few relaxing rituals into your bedtime routine.Start by taking a warm bath with liquid magnesium or lavender and soak for about 30 minutes. Next, try applying lavender oil to the bottom of your feet, especially working it into your big toes. Set aside 15 minutes for a guided meditation while lying with your legs up the wall, which can help calm the nervous system and promote relaxation. I enjoy using the Calm app, however I also recommend trying the Insight app, for free. If needed, you can always add supplementation to your routine. I can help select specific formulas by quickly assessing sleep issues and making suggestions on what formula would best suit your needs.
If none of these truly satisfy or eliminate your cravings, simply enjoy your craveable food—but consider having slightly less of it.

Bottom Line
When our stomachs are empty, we all feel hunger and our appetite hormones have us looking for something to eat. This is different from food cravings when we feel an intense urge to eat something specific—even if our stomachs are full.
All of these feelings and urges are normal and common. And it’s also common to eat to try to satisfy them.
Physiologically, our cravings are impacted by stress and sleep. They are also regulated by hormones, neurotransmitters, and research is looking into a whole host of other causes (e.g., the effects of advertising, our genes, and even our gut microbiota). Hunger, appetite, and food cravings are a complex phenomenon and they are not simply due to a lack of control.
The good news is that as we understand more about their causes, we can begin to implement smart strategies to help guide them toward our health goals, so we don’t feel like we’re at their mercy.
Understanding the complexities behind our cravings is the first step toward gaining control over them and achieving optimal well-being. As a functional medicine nutritionist, I specialize in addressing the root causes of food cravings and guiding individuals toward sustainable lifestyle changes that promote overall health. If you’re ready to break free from the cycle of cravings and embark on a journey toward a healthier, more energized life, I invite you to schedule an appointment with me. Together, we can explore personalized strategies to support your unique health goals and empower you to thrive. Don’t hesitate to take the first step towards a happier, healthier you. Schedule your appointment today!
- Meule A. (2020). The Psychology of Food Cravings: the Role of Food Deprivation. Current nutrition reports, 9(3), 251–257. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13668-020-00326-0
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7399671/ - Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. (2021, April). Cravings. The Nutrition Source. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/cravings/
- Cleveland Clinic. (2020, December 14). Here’s the deal with your junk food cravings. Health Essentials. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/heres-the-deal-with-your-junk-food-cravings/
- Cleveland Clinic. (2023, January 26). Why you stress eat and how to stop. Health Essentials. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/how-to-stop-stress-eating/
- Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. (n.d.). Sleep. The Nutrition Source. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/sleep/
- Cleveland Clinic. (2021, March 25). Three reasons you crave sweet or salty food. Health Essentials. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/3-reasons-you-crave-sweet-or-salty-foods/
- Cleveland Clinic. (2022, August 12). Quick snacks to help kick your sugar cravings. Health Essentials. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/kick-your-sugar-addiction-with-these-5-snacks/
- Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. (2020, November). Mindful eating. The Nutrition Source. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/mindful-eating/
- Harris, N. M., Lindeman, R. W., Bah, C. S. F., Gerhard, D., & Hoermann, S. (2023). Eliciting real cravings with virtual food: Using immersive technologies to explore the effects of food stimuli in virtual reality. Frontiers in psychology, 14, 956585. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.956585