Are you struggling with any of these?
- Aches and pains
- Anxiety
- Blood sugar imbalances
- Brain fog
- Depression
- Emotional eating
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Irritability
- Sleep problems· Weight gain
If you’ve tried everything, but nothing works, it’s because you’re dealing with inflammation and unexplained weight gain. We have your simple, life-changing solution: the SHAPE Program.
The SHAPE Program addresses these symptoms and more. Reduce inflammation, cleanse your body and boost your immune system in our proven, three-phase program.
Phase I: Cleanse – Start by cleansing your body of toxins by taking the SHAPE Drops and following the SHAPE Nutrition Protocol.
Phase II: Stabilize – After cleansing, it’s time to stabilize your brain chemistry and metabolism. You will begin reincorporating foods that were previously eliminated and note any inflammatory reactions. This critical phase helps you discover what foods work best for your body and mind.
Phase III: Live – Now that your body is stabilized, you get to use what you learned in the first two phases to live your best life. Achieving and maintaining optimal health at any age or stage of life is possible!
SHAPE Program = SHAPE Drops + SHAPE Nutrition Protocol
The SHAPE Drops
The unique combination of ingredients in the SHAPE Drops support healthy detoxification and immunity. They are formulated to help you heal on a neurological and cellular level. The SHAPE Drops make the SHAPE Program unlike anything else you’ve tried before.
The SHAPE Nutrition Protocol
The SHAPE Nutrition Protocol emphasizes nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory foods. We will customize this protocol to your unique needs. No gimmicks, shakes, bars or dieting. Just simple, whole food so you feel your very best.
Change your life with the SHAPE Program:
- Feel more like yourself
- Have more energy
- Keep up with the kids
- Live without pain
- Have a clear mind and active body
- Feel great in your clothes
- Be part of a like-minded community
- Have better, stronger relationships
- Relax and enjoy your life
Your SHAPE Program Includes:
- Customized approach to meet your health goals
- Regular guidance and urinalysis testing
- Support from thousands of members in the private Facebook group
- Hundreds of delicious recipes to keep you on track· Time-tested program with tremendous results – read what others are saying
Client experienced shared:…ollow-guidelines/
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